Sandwich cookies glacé
- -200 G wheat flour
- -100 G unsalted butter
- -80 G of brown sugar
- -60 G of sugar
- -2 eggs
- -1 Tsp yeast
- -80 G dark chocolate chips
- -1 Tub of ice cream with vanilla
-Préchauffer Oven to 180 ° C gas mark 6.
-In A large bowl, pour sugar butter and mix to a smooth paste.
-Incorporer Whole eggs, flour, yeast and mix all to obtain a homogeneous paste.
-Add Half the chocolate chips and stir again.
-Train small balls of dough with a spoon, place them on a sheet of parchment paper.
-Cook Cookies baked for 15 minutes.
-Procéder Mounting sandwiches alternating a cookie, a layer of vanilla ice cream and a cookie
-Parsemer Ice remaining chocolate chips.
-Serve Immediately.
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